Building A Better Future For Afghanistan

Environmental Policy

BKBMC is dedicated to a future that preserves our natural resources and promotes economic prosperity all over Afghanistan & the rest of the World. As an industry leader in a changing world, we recognize the need for social responsibility and being a steward of our environment. We are constantly working with our global partners, clients, subcontractors and suppliers to find sustainable solutions to projects while protecting the world around us.

BKBMC's primary environmental goal, as laid out in our Code of Business Conduct, is the prevention of environmental pollution. We strive to develop and provide products and services that:

  • Have no undue environmental impact;
  • Are safe in their intended use;
  • Efficient in their consumption of energy and natural resources;
  • Can be recycled, reused or disposed of safely.

What's New

Construction Company
House #200, Shahre new
Kabul city